суббота, 5 ноября 2011 г.

Hard time quoters

"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials."
Chinese proverb

"Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines."
Robert Schuller

Failure doesn't mean you are a failure it just means you haven't succeeded yet.
Robert H. Schuller

f there exists no possibility of failure, then victory is meaningless.
Robert H. Schuller

понедельник, 22 августа 2011 г.

 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110822154745.htm protein more variable then immune in bacteria
http://www.pnas.org/content/108/29/12084 sex between  viruses of flu

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110822154754.htm - new target for diabetes 2

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110816083745.htm - vit D against colon cancer

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110822092246.htm  connection narcolepsy and flu

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110822124953.htm m RNA glyoblastoma

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110822101042.htm rumination in depression  (MRI)

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110822092300.htm - Ds cancer metabolism

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110822101943.htm hepatite G

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110821141135.htm how stress damage DNA

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110821141059.htm new target in Pharmacy

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110818132219.htm prevention postpatrium OCD

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110822182926.htm role eostrogen in colon and brest cancer

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110818132227.htm new mechanism of genomic instability

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110816121422.htm ion flow and antibiotic resistance

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110818132223.htm pain in men and women is different

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110818142749.htm egg catches sperm

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110818190602.htm bacteria from dog's poops in air

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110818101645.htm vit  C Alzhaimer

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110822151021.htm male think discuss problem - waist time

пятница, 12 августа 2011 г.

http://jasn.asnjournals.org/content/early/2011/08/11/ASN.2010121302 - 3 протеина предсказывают почечные осложнения после сс хирургии
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110808161124.htm - водитель сердечного ритма  на световой энергии
http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-08/uoc-shl081211.php -  аппетит и стресс
http://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/o.o.i.s?id=24890&news_item=5636 -лекарство против стволовых раковых клеток
http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-08/gumc-hep080511.php - ароматаза в  молочной железа предрасполагает к раку
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232648.php - тату взамен проводов
 Реабилитация при зависимости от загара

четверг, 11 августа 2011 г.

http://jn.nutrition.org/content/141/8/1451 - spices reduce  harm meat effect
http://jn.nutrition.org/content/141/8/1489.full -  молочная сыворотка снижает содержание жира, а не соя.
http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/bc200170u -шелк паутины, как носитель для  генов.
http://www.cmu.edu/mcs/news/pressreleases/2011/08_11_Kinesin.html - молекулярные моторы, сохранение энергии.
http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-08/nioa-seu081111.php - лекарство от туберкулеза, механизм действия
http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-08/e-wyc081111.php - двухстороннее повреждение гипокамппа и память
http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-08/cchm-ipm080911.php - интестинальный пептид в развитии СДВГ
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232581.php - серийные убийцы Т-клетки.
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232592.php -  фибраты+ статины =  Т
НЕТ бенефитс при диабете в профилактику сердечныхх приступов.
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/232579.php - блокирование развития депрессии и  развития зависимости
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/232530.php - обвинение других делает людей больными

среда, 3 августа 2011 г.


One species of pathogen can produce two distinct biofilms
http://www.ohsu.edu/xd/about/news_events/news/2011/08-02-scientists-identify-what.cfm что заставляет нас чувствать себя плохо во время болезни.
http://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/retrieve/pii/S1550413111002579 - мозг есть сам себя во время голодания
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110803174745.htm новый микроорганизм переносимый клещами
http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2011/AN/c1an15303j - золото в диагностике гриппа
http://www.queensu.ca/news/articles/aggressive-drug-therapy-aids-superbug-evolution - суперинфекци
http://archpsyc.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/68/8/817 - почему курильщикам грустно завязывать
http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-08/vcu-rda080311.php - кемо- диагностирует и лечит
http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-08/sumc-ss080111.php - лишение опухоли глюкозы
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/232166.php - старческая мышечная слабость
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/232156.php - мемантин при болезни Дауна
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/232144.php - новая связь  ожирения и  инсулинорезистентности

суббота, 30 июля 2011 г.


100 words to Impress a Native Speaker of English ( for vocabruary test)

(n.) something that differs from the norm (In 1974, Poland won the World Cup, but the success turned out to be an aberration, and Poland have not won a World Cup since). 
(v.) to hate, detest (Because he always wound up getting hit in the head when he tried to play cricket, Marcin began to abhor the sport). -  питать отвращение.
(v.) to agree without protesting (Though Mr. Pospieszny wanted to stay outside and work in his garage, when his wife told him that he had better come in to dinner, he acquiesced to her demands.) - покорное согласие.
(n.) eagerness, speed (For some reason, Simon loved to help his girlfriend whenever he could, so when his girlfriend asked him to set the table he did so with alacrity.) - рвение
(adj.) friendly (An amiable fellow, Neil got along with just about everyone.) - любезный
(v.) to calm, satisfy (When Jerry cries, his mother gives him chocolate to appeasehim.) умиротворять
(adj.) obscure, secret, known only by a few (The professor is an expert in arcaneKashubian literature.)
(n.) excessive greed (The banker’s avarice led him to amass an enormous personal fortune.) -алчность
(adj.) excessively bold, brash, clear and obvious (Critics condemned the writer’sbrazen attempt to plagiarise Frankow-Czerwonko’s work.)- нагло отрицать, наглый
(adj.) short, abrupt, dismissive (Simon’s brusque manner sometimes offends his colleagues.) - бесцеремонный
(v.) to urge, coax (Magda's friends cajoled her into drinking too much.) - задабривать, умасливать, обхаживать
(adj.) harsh, cold, unfeeling (The murderer’s callous lack of remorse shocked the jury.) - бездушный, очерствевший 
(n.) honesty, frankness (We were surprised by the candor of the politician’s speech because she is usually rather evasive.)  прямота, открытость, открытость.
(v.) to voice disapproval (Hania chided Gregory for his vulgar habits and sloppy appearance.) бранить, журить
(adj.) cautious (Though I promised Marta’s father I would bring her home promptly by midnight, it would have been more circumspect not to have specified a time.) предосторожный, осмотрительный
(adj.) secret (Announcing to her boyfriend that she was going to the library, Maria actually went to meet George for a clandestine liaison.) нелегальный, тайный
(v.) to make somebody do something by force or threat (The court decided that David Beckham did not have to honor the contract because he had been coercedinto signing it.) принуждать
(adj.) logically consistent, intelligible (William could not figure out what Harold had seen because he was too distraught to deliver a coherent statement.) последовательный
(n.) self-satisfied ignorance of danger (Simon tried to shock his friends out of theircomplacency by painting a frightening picture of what might happen to them.) - самодовольство, благодушие
(n.) a person entrusted with secrets (Shortly after we met, he became my chiefconfidant.)
(v.) to plot, scheme (She connived to get me to give up my plans to start up a new business.) - потворствовать (?)
(adj.) increasing, building upon itself (The cumulative effect of hours spent using the World English website was a vast improvement in his vocabulary and general level of English.)
(v.) to lower the quality or esteem of something (The large raise that he gave himself debased his motives for running the charity.) - принижать
(v.) to criticize openly (Andrzej Lepper, the leader of the Polish Self Defence partydecried the appaling state of Polish roads.) - порицать
(adj.) showing respect for another’s authority (Donata is always excessivelydeferential to any kind of authority figure.)
(adj.) quiet, modest, reserved (Though everyone else at the party was dancing and going crazy, she remained demure.) - скромный сдержанный
(v.) to laugh at mockingly, scorn (The native speaker often derided the other teacher’s accent.) - высмеивать
(n.) one who has total power and rules brutally (The despot issued a death sentence for anyone who disobeyed his laws.)
(adj.) showing care in doing one’s work (The diligent researcher made sure to double check her measurements.) - прилежный
(adj.) overjoyed, thrilled (When he found out he had won the lottery, the postman was elated.) - приподнятое настроение
(adj.) expressive, articulate, moving (The best man gave such an eloquent speech that most guests were crying.) - красноречивый, выразительный
(v.) to steal money by falsifying records (The accountant was fired for embezzling€10,000 of the company’s funds.) - присваивать, расхищать
(n.) sensitivity to another’s feelings as if they were one’s own (I feel suchempathy for my dog when she’s upset so am I!)
(n.) ill will, hatred, hostility (John and Scott have clearly not forgiven each other, because the enmity between them is obvious to anyone in their presence.) - вражда
(adj.) learned (My English teacher is such an erudite scholar that he has translated some of the most difficult and abstruse Old English poetry.) эрудированный
(v.) to praise, revere (Kamila extolled the virtues of a vegetarian diet to her meat-loving boyfriend.) - привозносить
(v.) to make up, invent (When I arrived an hour late to class, I fabricated some excuse about my car breaking down on the way to work.)
(adj.) wild, savage (That beast looks so feral that I would fear being alone with it.) - дикий, не прирученный, не цивилизованный
(adj.) astounded (Whenever I read an Agatha Christie mystery novel, I am alwaysflabbergasted when I learn the identity of the murderer.) - ошеломленный
(v.) to give up, renounce (I won't forsake my conservative principles.) покидать, сдавать позиции
(adj.) troublesome or irritable (Although the child insisted he wasn’t tired, hisfractious behaviour - especially his decision to crush his jam sandwiches all over the floor - convinced everyone present that it was time to put him to bed.) - капризный
(adj.) secretive, sly (Claudia’s placement of her drugs in her sock drawer was not as furtive as she thought, as the sock drawer is the first place most parents look.) - хитрый скрытный вороватый
(n.) overindulgence in food or drink (Helen’s fried chicken tastes so divine, I don’t know how anyone can call gluttony a sin.) - обжорство, чревоугодие
(adj.) uncalled for, unwarranted (Every evening the guy at the fish and chip shop gives me a gratuitous helping of vinegar.) безвозмездный, даровой, бесплатный
(adj.) disdainfully proud (The superstar’s haughty dismissal of her co-stars will backfire on her someday.) - надменный
(n.) pretending to believe what one does not (Once the politician began passing legislation that contradicted his campaign promises, his hypocrisy became apparent.) лицемерие
(adj.) exemplary, flawless (If your grades were as impeccable as your brother’s, then you too would receive a car for a graduation present.) - безупречный
(adj.) rude, insolent (Most of your comments are so impertinent that I don’t wish to dignify them with an answer.) -дерзкий, наглый
(adj.) incapable of being appeased or mitigated (Watch out: once you shun Grandmother’s cooking, she is totally implacable.) -непримиримый
(adj.) casually rude, insolent, impertinent (The impudent young woman looked her teacher up and down and told him he was hot.) нахальный, дерзкий
(adj.) clear, sharp, direct (The discussion wasn’t going anywhere until her incisivecomment allowed everyone to see what the true issues were.) прямой, язвительный
(adj.) lazy (Why should my indolent children, who can’t even pick themselves up off the sofa to pour their own juice, be rewarded with a trip to Burger King?)
(adj.) not suitable or capable, unqualified (She proved how inept she was when she forgot two orders and spilled a pint of cider in a customer’s lap.)- неподходящий, неуместный, глупый
(n.) notoriety, extreme ill repute (The infamy of his crime will not lessen as time passes.)
(v.) to prevent, restrain, stop (When I told you I needed the car last night, I certainly never meant to inhibit you from going out.)
(adj.) inborn, native, inherent (His incredible athletic talent is innate, he never trains, lifts weights, or practices.)
(adj.) incapable of being satisfied (My insatiable appetite for blondes was a real problem on my recent holiday in Japan!) -  ненасытный
(adj.) separated and narrow-minded; tight-knit, closed off (Because of the sensitive nature of their jobs, those who work for MI5 must remain insular and generally only spend time with each other.) - отделенный замкнутый
(adj.) brave in the face of danger (After scaling a live volcano prior to its eruption, the explorer was praised for his intrepid attitude.) - отважный, бесстрашный
(adj.) stubbornly established by habit (I’m the first to admit that I’m an inveteratecider drinker—I drink four pints a day.)  - заядлый
(adj.) extremely joyful, happy (The crowd was jubilant when the firefighter carried the woman from the flaming building.)  - ликующий
(n.) the solemn sound of a bell, often indicating a death (Echoing throughout our village, the funeral knell made the grey day even more grim.) - похоронный звон, дурное предзнаменование
(adj.) graceful, flexible, supple (Although the dancers were all outstanding, Joanna’s control of her lithe body was particularly impressive.) - гибкий
(adj.) ghastly, sensational (Barry’s story, in which he described a character torturing his neighbour's tortoise, was judged too lurid to be published on the English Library's website.) - сенсационный, мертвенно бледный
(n.) an independent, nonconformist person (John is a real maverick and always does things his own way.)
(n.) a common saying expressing a principle of conduct (Ms. Stone’s etiquettemaxims are both entertaining and instructional.)
(adj.) extremely careful with details (The ornate needlework in the bride’s gown was a product of meticulous handiwork.)
(n.) a small amount of something (Refusing to display even a modicum of sensitivity, Magda announced her boss’s affair to the entire office.) - чуточку
(adj.) gloomy or sullen (David’s morose nature made him very unpleasant to talk to.)
(adj.) consisting of a very great number (It was difficult to decide what to do on Saturday night because the city presented us with myriad possibilities for fun.)
(n.) the lowest point of something (My day was boring, but the nadir came when my new car was stolen.)
(adj.) trifling, insignificant (Because he was moving the following week and needed to get rid of his furniture more than he needed money, Kim sold everything for a nominal price.)
(n.) a beginner, someone without training or experience (Because we were allnovices at archery, our instructor decided to begin with the basics
(n.) a slight variation in meaning, tone, expression (The nuances of the poem were not obvious to the casual reader, but the teacher was able to point them out.)
(adj.) lacking consciousness or awareness of something (Oblivious to the burning smell emanating from the kitchen, my father did not notice that the rolls in the oven were burned until much too late.) - забывчивый, невнимательный
(adj.) excessively compliant or submissive (Donald acted like Susan’s servant, obeying her every request in an obsequious manner.) угодливый
(adj.) lacking quickness of sensibility or intellect (Political opponents warned that the prime minister’s obtuse approach to foreign policy would embroil the nation in mindless war.) - тупой, притупленный
(n.) a remedy for all ills or difficulties (Doctors wish there was a single panaceafor every disease, but sadly there is not.)
(n.) a satirical imitation (A hush fell over the classroom when the teacher returned to find Magdalena acting out a parody of his teaching style.)
(n.) a tendency, partiality, preference (Fiona’s dinner parties quickly became monotonous on account of her penchant for Indian dishes.) - склонность
(n.) a careful examination, review (The actor agreed to accept the role after a three-month perusal of the movie script.) - внимательное чтение
(n.) an abundance, excess (The wedding banquet included a plethora of oysters piled almost three feet high.)
(n.) a preference or inclination for something (James has a predilection for eating toad in the whole with tomato ketchup.) - склонность
(adj.) charmingly old-fashioned (Mary was delighted by the quaint bonnets she saw in Romania.) - причудливый
(adj.) hasty, incautious (It’s best to think things over calmly and thoroughly, rather than make rash decisions.)
(v.) to restore, clean up (After being refurbished the old Triumph motorcycle commanded the handsome price of $6000.)
(v.) to reject, refuse to accept (Tom made a strong case for an extension of his curfew, but his mother repudiated it with a few biting words.) - отрекаться
(adj.) abundant (Surprisingly, the teacher’s writing was rife with spelling errors.) - распространенный, изобилующий
(adj.) significant, conspicuous (One of the salient differences between Alison and Helen is that Alison is a couple of kilos heavier.) - бросающийся в глаза
(n.) luck, finding good things without looking for them (In an amazing bit ofserendipity, penniless Mark found a $50 bill on the back seat of the bus.)
(adj.) sedate, serious, self-restrained (The staid butler never changed his expression no matter what happened.) - степенный
(adj.) exceeding what is necessary (Samantha had already won the campaign so her constant flattery of others was superfluous.) - избыточный
(n.) one who flatters for self-gain (Some see the people in the cabinet as the Prime Minister’s closest advisors, but others see them as sycophants.) - подхалим, лизоблюд
(adj.) not inclined to talk (Though Magda never seems to stop talking, her brother is quite taciturn.) - молчаливый
(adj.) ready to fight, cruel (This club doesn’t really attract the dangerous types, so why was that bouncer being so truculent?) -   свирепый, агрессивный
(n.) resentment, offence (He called me a lily-livered coward, and I took umbrageat the insult.) - обида
(adj.) deserving of respect because of age or achievement (The venerable High Court judge had made several key rulings in landmark cases throughout the years.) маститы, почтенныйй
(v.) to confuse or annoy (My boyfriend vexes me by pinching my bottom for hours on end.) - досаждать
(adj.) loud, boisterous (I’m tired of his vociferous whining so I’m breaking up with him.) - громогласный
(adj.) undisciplined, lewd, lustful (Joanna’s wanton demeanor often made the frat guys next door very excited.) - распутный
(n.) the highest point, culminating point (I was too nice to tell Emily that she had reached the absolute zenith of her career with that one top 10 hit of hers.)

Animal-related words that are used metaphorically

pavonine - vain showy,resembling a peacock

hircine-Of or relating to a goat, having a strong odor,lustful; lewd. 

porcine-Of or related to swine. Piggish: greedy; sloppy; boorish

anserine-Of or relating to a goose.Stupid; silly.

bovine-Of or relating to cattle, especially a cow.Dull; sluggish; stupid. 

пятница, 29 июля 2011 г.

  • gullible
  • \GULL-uh-bul\
: easily duped or cheated


   \AWR-ee-it\ , adjective;
Characterized by an ornate style of writing or speaking.
Golden or gilded.
Brilliant; splendid.

четверг, 28 июля 2011 г.

Bacterial spite: When kamikaze-like behavior is a good strategy

Bacterial spite: When kamikaze-like behavior is a good strategy

Fructose consumption increases risk factors for heart disease

Fructose consumption increases risk factors for heart disease

Increased muscle mass may lower risk of pre-diabetes

Increased muscle mass may lower risk of pre-diabetes

Lawson researchers take control of cancer

Lawson researchers take control of cancer

среда, 27 июля 2011 г.

Yale researchers show how memory is lost -- and found

Yale researchers show how memory is lost -- and found

Social deficits associated with autism, schizophrenia induced in mice with new technology

Social deficits associated with autism, schizophrenia induced in mice with new technology

Could patients' own kidney cells cure kidney disease?

Could patients' own kidney cells cure kidney disease?

Gender Differences In Inflammation - Testosterone Protection

Gender Differences In Inflammation - Testosterone Protection

вторник, 26 июля 2011 г.

Scientists developing new therapy for HER2-positive breast cancer

Scientists developing new therapy for HER2-positive breast cancer

Man to receive kidney from brother with different blood type: Novel blood-cleaning procedure used for kidney transplant

Man to receive kidney from brother with different blood type: Novel blood-cleaning procedure used for kidney transplant


Мясной пирог "Крокодил" :: NoNaMe

Мясной пирог "Крокодил" :: NoNaMe

понедельник, 25 июля 2011 г.

Gray patellae disease

Artificial lung mimics real organ's design and efficiency

Artificial lung mimics real organ's design and efficiency

Specialized regulatory T cell stifles antibody production centers

Specialized regulatory T cell stifles antibody production centers

New target found for nitric oxide's attack on salmonella bacteria

New target found for nitric oxide's attack on salmonella bacteria

Screening for pancreatic cancer in high-risk populations

Screening for pancreatic cancer in high-risk populations

Cancer-causing mineral found in U.S. road gravel: Erionite in roads may increase risk of mesothelioma

Cancer-causing mineral found in U.S. road gravel: Erionite in roads may increase risk of mesothelioma

Fault in immune memory causes atopic eczema and psoriasis, study finds

Fault in immune memory causes atopic eczema and psoriasis, study finds

Epigenetic 'memory' key to nature versus nurture

Epigenetic 'memory' key to nature versus nurture

четверг, 21 июля 2011 г.

Benign Or Cancerous? Gene Test Predicts Cancer Potential In Pancreatic Cysts

Benign Or Cancerous? Gene Test Predicts Cancer Potential In Pancreatic Cysts

Kidney Dopamine Regulates Blood Pressure, Life Span

Kidney Dopamine Regulates Blood Pressure, Life Span

Chlamydia Findings Could Yield New Therapeutic Approaches That Might Turn A Natural Infection Into A Vaccination

Chlamydia Findings Could Yield New Therapeutic Approaches That Might Turn A Natural Infection Into A Vaccination

Schizophrenia Patients May Benefit From Cancer Drugs

Schizophrenia Patients May Benefit From Cancer Drugs

Pseudomonas разворачивает машины токсинного Доставка нарушения клеточных стенок Соперники, не повреждая само

Pseudomonas разворачивает машины токсинного Доставка нарушения клеточных стенок Соперники, не повреждая само

Taller People Have Higher Cancer Risk

Taller People Have Higher Cancer Risk

Weight Has Strongest Effect On Hormones That Raise Breast Cancer Risk

Weight Has Strongest Effect On Hormones That Raise Breast Cancer Risk

вторник, 19 июля 2011 г.

Predicting Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder With 8-Question Survey

Predicting Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder With 8-Question Survey

Study Reveals That Over Half Of Alzheimer's Cases May Be Preventable

Study Reveals That Over Half Of Alzheimer's Cases May Be Preventable

Bacteria Use Batman-Like Grappling Hooks To 'Slingshot' On Surfaces

Bacteria Use Batman-Like Grappling Hooks To 'Slingshot' On Surfaces

Gene therapy delivered once to blood vessel wall protects against atherosclerosis in rabbit studies

Gene therapy delivered once to blood vessel wall protects against atherosclerosis in rabbit studies

Pills Prevent H.I.V. Infection in 2 New Studies - NYTimes.com

Pills Prevent H.I.V. Infection in 2 New Studies - NYTimes.com

Possible drug targets for common non-Hodgkin's lymphoma discovered

Possible drug targets for common non-Hodgkin's lymphoma discovered

понедельник, 18 июля 2011 г.

Genes vital to preventing childhood leukemia identified

Genes vital to preventing childhood leukemia identified

Stress and alcohol 'feed' each other

Stress and alcohol 'feed' each other

Single traumatic brain injury may prompt long-term neurodegeneration

Single traumatic brain injury may prompt long-term neurodegeneration

ID1 protein boosts lung cancer in smokers, non-smokers; Potential anti-oncogenic target

ID1 protein boosts lung cancer in smokers, non-smokers; Potential anti-oncogenic target

суббота, 16 июля 2011 г.

Diabetes drug may prevent or delay development of polycystic ovary syndrome, the most common cause of infertility in women

Diabetes drug may prevent or delay development of polycystic ovary syndrome, the most common cause of infertility in women

Scientists discover new role for vitamin C in the eye and the brain

Scientists discover new role for vitamin C in the eye and the brain

Discovery opens new options for improving transfusions

Discovery opens new options for improving transfusions

Novel compound selectively kills cancer cells by blocking their response to oxidative stress

Novel compound selectively kills cancer cells by blocking their response to oxidative stress

понедельник, 27 июня 2011 г.

 On what degree all national disasters  in our  mind associate with alcoholism can be demonstrated by “ antialcoholic company” of 1885-86. In that time general secretor of Comunist Party of Soviet Union  Gorbachov offered  radical variant of  social recovery: root out drunkenness by starting “soft  dry law” -  stop wine producing and  cut out all vineyards.

  Practical realization of this program was so bright and  outstanding, that we still fill that effect even now.

  I never forget my practical work, being student of Moscow State Institute  of International Reletionship,  like a  journalist of regional newspaper “ Zaboikalets”. It was in Chita’s region, in Zaboikalsk town, that was built right on USSR borderline. That newspaper was, like most regional newspaper  of that period “ unit of regional committee of Communist Party” and was placed  in the 2 –store  house, one of few  brick-built  building.  You needed only 2 minutes  to get Regional Government and only 15 minutes for get frontier 16  of Hingan’s  military group.

  By the way, all this information, that I have  wrote about, in 1988 year was a super secret: even world “frontier” or “ border military guards” was “ disclosure of state secrets”. That words couldn’t be written in any regional newspaper. It is hard believe now, but general editor, experienced journalist,  had  special book  right on his working desk, where listed  military  terms  that shouldn’t use in mass media. For this reason, if I, for example, wrote article  about volleyball competition between  guards of two  different frontiers, I should write “ Today our region guards defeated by  guards of   neighbor’s region. It seems like all  residents of Chita’s region, like those eastern monkeys, whose “ see nothing, hear nothing, talk nothing” even  didn’t suspect what  Chinese borderline is right under their windows.

  But most severe  people of that region was hit by Gorbachov’s “dry law”.  I was asked by my editor to write article about police’s fighting with alcoholism and moonshining. O boy! What I  had seen there, during several days  of presence in police operation in different regional moonlighting dens! People drunk everything – rose water, brake fluid,  ftuit wine  where was added technical spirit by eye, acetone and “ roach’s poison” . I was sorry about Gorbachov, who get the nickname “ mineral secretator” didn’t take part in those police operations.

  Where does  it come from, that main Russian problem – everybody alcoholism? It was such strong believes in Gorbachov’s mind – make all country sober and everything will OK.

  Gradually, little by little idea of national drunkenness  rooted in out minds. Sort of national feature,  touchy like matreshka: “ Russia – vodka, valenki, Siberia!” Most foriners supporn that our self identification, some time add to that “holy trinity”, being in good mood : “ ban’a, ballet, Gagarin”
  It is funny stuff -  tagging nations. One features becomes “national face” and inherits by future generation like obvious reality.

  It is interesting process, by the way! For example, beer festivals of our teuton  neighbors, big beer mugs and “beer’s tummies” hadn’t made Germans tipplers in world minds. Opposite, we know about them, like about  pedantic, business-orientated, moderate and accurate people.

  In 1960 it was effort to make “dry law” in Finland. And what result did they have? “ Hot  fin gays” regularly visited “city of three Revolution”. Bus’s caravans drove fin piligrims to the Leningrad, but not for visiting cultural  sights. Fins came drink “Moskovskaya” and “ Stolichnaya” and had  shown  in this deal such skill and mastery, that even expiernced  Piter’s alcoholics uncapped to them.
  More then that. Most friendly soviet people met fins right after frontier and on the Vyborg highway and sell them alcohol. Fins could pay by  dollars, and that was important point. So, not every “ fin bird”  could get to the Leningrad

  And fins  behaved  very naughty, vociferated  and blackguarded so much, that residents of Leningrad and Vyborg asked “take action”: our regional alcoholics were more calm.

    And could fins show to the world, that they are real  alcohol champions? No. They are still phlegmatic,  hard-working producers  of Nokia in world eyes.

Prejudgment constantly gives know about itself.  I can  tell to you short story, like illustration  this situation. It was Estonia shore, small  town Pjarnu. Summer. Small regional city park. There was two  tipplers laying  under the bushes. Estonians walked around, and some of them made commentaries  about drunk men.   “ Turmaljaen has rest” – they talked  about one with  sympathy; “ Russian pig!”  about other. It is a example of “sharp national vision”.

  By the way, in 2001 year 68 residents of Pjarnu county has dead  of   alcohol poisoning. Estonian and Russian  was in equal amount among them.

 Russian history we  know  badly.   It is exist  anecdote that Knyaz Vladimir took Christianity  only because Islamism prohibits alcohol intake.  

 If we take any film or story about slavanian time, we can  get impression, that  they had fun an feasts all the time. But it is wrong. Russian famous historians described life of main Russian tribe, kriviches and vyatiches totally different. It was  hard life in conditions of harsh climate  and continuous wars. Imperator  Constantine in his book “ About nations” described  Russian trade  and everyday life.

 Reading this story you can easy understand which goods was imported and exported by Russian   Summer ships went to the Tsar-grad with honey, wax and fur, and returned with arms, textiles, dyes, gold, jewelry and  gems.

  But  doesn’t exist any tiny hint about import of alcohol to Russia, the same like doesn’t exist any information about producing alcohol  there. Only after   coming Christianity, Russian was needed in some import of wine for church rituals. But all wine was imported.

  Life of peasant or warrior  was hard and it  wasn’t too much time for fun. Neighbors, visantinians, Arabians, Greeks respected Russian, sometimes didn’t like them or feared  them, but never connect Russian with alcoholics.

    Only one known alcoholic beverage  of that time  - medovuha ( made from honey) was close by content of alcohol to the beer. But it was drunk only during very special occasion – all honey should be sent out of Russia, imported.

  Russia hasn’t any special rituals with wine.  Mostly because grape didn’t grow on the Russian lands. In religious pagans event people ate  fry and baked meat. But  it didn’t exist any special alcoholic beverage for that purpouse.

 Lala has a hole in her bottom. It didn’t exist in her youth. But yesterday Lala  grew up and went  to wash her bottom herself. And she had found this awful news.

  And  sorrow, like driving rain, had come immediately. Hundred-karate tears have burned  holes in  the carpet and dried on the tiles in the bathroom by salted roses.

   In past years, when childhood wasn’t so harsh, and doves  and dogs were the same size in Lala’s  eyes,   bottom was washed by persons from  specially trained relatives. They washed it clean, but in silence.  And yesterday Lala decide to check what going on there, and  the world  had become  grey.
   She lived  good  before, with her cheerful and, it very important point, with integrate  bottom. Shape, color,  sound – everything were perfect. Peaches supposed this bottom best among them and tried to imitate it in any point. And suddenly,  hole, worrisome, like whistle in night,    was found in the very center of “ Dutch kingdom”. And she has felt uneasy – somebody can crawl in there, or, more worse situation, crawl out.

 It is written in woman’s novels:”All in tears, with  tossing hear, she run to the father”. It is custom in novels  - run to the father in any  tiny case, barely find  new kids in husband from three secret marriage, or, for example, neighbor-bustard- plantator burst in the room at night and made hole in bottom.

  Of course, novels  embellish.  Lala ran not “all in tears”, just only  waist-deep.

  Now, lets talk about Lala’s father. It is terse man with  romantic scar on his brain. Everybody know his selfless laziness  and lamebrain fantasy, that beat god’s facility. For example, only he can take a picture of any person and have got famous “black square”. And if he cooks  pork with vegetables, he decides independently, if he will put there beans or not. And after that he is the same independent in decision, if pot should be thrown out  with all content, or meat should be winkle out from there before. It is because he has intuition and power of spirit. Exactly he  stuck out ball by scotch,  broke  chandelier  and  hid debris under the sofa. Only such father can really help, if bottom  has worn out.

    Lala  carfully has poured  her parent waist-deep. Well, you would be able to write “ Father and daughter all in tears” afterword.  And had claimed to  assess  damage visually, turning to the world by face, and to the father by ass – look, such “awful” there. News, that hole is little and nice didn’t carry calmness.

  And suddenly, on the page 354, father has admitted,  hole-bottomness is family fiture. And he, and their mother Lucy, and even shaggy sister Masha… all they are not hermetic. More then that, farting is not abstract voice of sofa.

    In all its inscrutability, sketch from buttocks life  made Lala’s day. Cognitive dissonance  becomes not so dissonant. Of course it was a little bit pitty, we are not from princess family, but an other hand she has now theme for chat with younger friends. They should   be really amazed.