понедельник, 27 июня 2011 г.

 On what degree all national disasters  in our  mind associate with alcoholism can be demonstrated by “ antialcoholic company” of 1885-86. In that time general secretor of Comunist Party of Soviet Union  Gorbachov offered  radical variant of  social recovery: root out drunkenness by starting “soft  dry law” -  stop wine producing and  cut out all vineyards.

  Practical realization of this program was so bright and  outstanding, that we still fill that effect even now.

  I never forget my practical work, being student of Moscow State Institute  of International Reletionship,  like a  journalist of regional newspaper “ Zaboikalets”. It was in Chita’s region, in Zaboikalsk town, that was built right on USSR borderline. That newspaper was, like most regional newspaper  of that period “ unit of regional committee of Communist Party” and was placed  in the 2 –store  house, one of few  brick-built  building.  You needed only 2 minutes  to get Regional Government and only 15 minutes for get frontier 16  of Hingan’s  military group.

  By the way, all this information, that I have  wrote about, in 1988 year was a super secret: even world “frontier” or “ border military guards” was “ disclosure of state secrets”. That words couldn’t be written in any regional newspaper. It is hard believe now, but general editor, experienced journalist,  had  special book  right on his working desk, where listed  military  terms  that shouldn’t use in mass media. For this reason, if I, for example, wrote article  about volleyball competition between  guards of two  different frontiers, I should write “ Today our region guards defeated by  guards of   neighbor’s region. It seems like all  residents of Chita’s region, like those eastern monkeys, whose “ see nothing, hear nothing, talk nothing” even  didn’t suspect what  Chinese borderline is right under their windows.

  But most severe  people of that region was hit by Gorbachov’s “dry law”.  I was asked by my editor to write article about police’s fighting with alcoholism and moonshining. O boy! What I  had seen there, during several days  of presence in police operation in different regional moonlighting dens! People drunk everything – rose water, brake fluid,  ftuit wine  where was added technical spirit by eye, acetone and “ roach’s poison” . I was sorry about Gorbachov, who get the nickname “ mineral secretator” didn’t take part in those police operations.

  Where does  it come from, that main Russian problem – everybody alcoholism? It was such strong believes in Gorbachov’s mind – make all country sober and everything will OK.

  Gradually, little by little idea of national drunkenness  rooted in out minds. Sort of national feature,  touchy like matreshka: “ Russia – vodka, valenki, Siberia!” Most foriners supporn that our self identification, some time add to that “holy trinity”, being in good mood : “ ban’a, ballet, Gagarin”
  It is funny stuff -  tagging nations. One features becomes “national face” and inherits by future generation like obvious reality.

  It is interesting process, by the way! For example, beer festivals of our teuton  neighbors, big beer mugs and “beer’s tummies” hadn’t made Germans tipplers in world minds. Opposite, we know about them, like about  pedantic, business-orientated, moderate and accurate people.

  In 1960 it was effort to make “dry law” in Finland. And what result did they have? “ Hot  fin gays” regularly visited “city of three Revolution”. Bus’s caravans drove fin piligrims to the Leningrad, but not for visiting cultural  sights. Fins came drink “Moskovskaya” and “ Stolichnaya” and had  shown  in this deal such skill and mastery, that even expiernced  Piter’s alcoholics uncapped to them.
  More then that. Most friendly soviet people met fins right after frontier and on the Vyborg highway and sell them alcohol. Fins could pay by  dollars, and that was important point. So, not every “ fin bird”  could get to the Leningrad

  And fins  behaved  very naughty, vociferated  and blackguarded so much, that residents of Leningrad and Vyborg asked “take action”: our regional alcoholics were more calm.

    And could fins show to the world, that they are real  alcohol champions? No. They are still phlegmatic,  hard-working producers  of Nokia in world eyes.

Prejudgment constantly gives know about itself.  I can  tell to you short story, like illustration  this situation. It was Estonia shore, small  town Pjarnu. Summer. Small regional city park. There was two  tipplers laying  under the bushes. Estonians walked around, and some of them made commentaries  about drunk men.   “ Turmaljaen has rest” – they talked  about one with  sympathy; “ Russian pig!”  about other. It is a example of “sharp national vision”.

  By the way, in 2001 year 68 residents of Pjarnu county has dead  of   alcohol poisoning. Estonian and Russian  was in equal amount among them.

 Russian history we  know  badly.   It is exist  anecdote that Knyaz Vladimir took Christianity  only because Islamism prohibits alcohol intake.  

 If we take any film or story about slavanian time, we can  get impression, that  they had fun an feasts all the time. But it is wrong. Russian famous historians described life of main Russian tribe, kriviches and vyatiches totally different. It was  hard life in conditions of harsh climate  and continuous wars. Imperator  Constantine in his book “ About nations” described  Russian trade  and everyday life.

 Reading this story you can easy understand which goods was imported and exported by Russian   Summer ships went to the Tsar-grad with honey, wax and fur, and returned with arms, textiles, dyes, gold, jewelry and  gems.

  But  doesn’t exist any tiny hint about import of alcohol to Russia, the same like doesn’t exist any information about producing alcohol  there. Only after   coming Christianity, Russian was needed in some import of wine for church rituals. But all wine was imported.

  Life of peasant or warrior  was hard and it  wasn’t too much time for fun. Neighbors, visantinians, Arabians, Greeks respected Russian, sometimes didn’t like them or feared  them, but never connect Russian with alcoholics.

    Only one known alcoholic beverage  of that time  - medovuha ( made from honey) was close by content of alcohol to the beer. But it was drunk only during very special occasion – all honey should be sent out of Russia, imported.

  Russia hasn’t any special rituals with wine.  Mostly because grape didn’t grow on the Russian lands. In religious pagans event people ate  fry and baked meat. But  it didn’t exist any special alcoholic beverage for that purpouse.

 Lala has a hole in her bottom. It didn’t exist in her youth. But yesterday Lala  grew up and went  to wash her bottom herself. And she had found this awful news.

  And  sorrow, like driving rain, had come immediately. Hundred-karate tears have burned  holes in  the carpet and dried on the tiles in the bathroom by salted roses.

   In past years, when childhood wasn’t so harsh, and doves  and dogs were the same size in Lala’s  eyes,   bottom was washed by persons from  specially trained relatives. They washed it clean, but in silence.  And yesterday Lala decide to check what going on there, and  the world  had become  grey.
   She lived  good  before, with her cheerful and, it very important point, with integrate  bottom. Shape, color,  sound – everything were perfect. Peaches supposed this bottom best among them and tried to imitate it in any point. And suddenly,  hole, worrisome, like whistle in night,    was found in the very center of “ Dutch kingdom”. And she has felt uneasy – somebody can crawl in there, or, more worse situation, crawl out.

 It is written in woman’s novels:”All in tears, with  tossing hear, she run to the father”. It is custom in novels  - run to the father in any  tiny case, barely find  new kids in husband from three secret marriage, or, for example, neighbor-bustard- plantator burst in the room at night and made hole in bottom.

  Of course, novels  embellish.  Lala ran not “all in tears”, just only  waist-deep.

  Now, lets talk about Lala’s father. It is terse man with  romantic scar on his brain. Everybody know his selfless laziness  and lamebrain fantasy, that beat god’s facility. For example, only he can take a picture of any person and have got famous “black square”. And if he cooks  pork with vegetables, he decides independently, if he will put there beans or not. And after that he is the same independent in decision, if pot should be thrown out  with all content, or meat should be winkle out from there before. It is because he has intuition and power of spirit. Exactly he  stuck out ball by scotch,  broke  chandelier  and  hid debris under the sofa. Only such father can really help, if bottom  has worn out.

    Lala  carfully has poured  her parent waist-deep. Well, you would be able to write “ Father and daughter all in tears” afterword.  And had claimed to  assess  damage visually, turning to the world by face, and to the father by ass – look, such “awful” there. News, that hole is little and nice didn’t carry calmness.

  And suddenly, on the page 354, father has admitted,  hole-bottomness is family fiture. And he, and their mother Lucy, and even shaggy sister Masha… all they are not hermetic. More then that, farting is not abstract voice of sofa.

    In all its inscrutability, sketch from buttocks life  made Lala’s day. Cognitive dissonance  becomes not so dissonant. Of course it was a little bit pitty, we are not from princess family, but an other hand she has now theme for chat with younger friends. They should   be really amazed. 

Mood And Experience: Life Comes At You

E. coli outbreak caused by mix of 2 deadly strains | KOB.com

 Yesterday, on the way to the figure skating lessons, Lala had partaken  from tree of knowledge  of French cosmetic.
   Like all things interesting  to youth, this had happened  on the back seat of parents’  jalopy. While mom steered, Lucy Nezabudkina, scattered cheers to the other following cars: “ Stump of idiot!”, “ Throw  out your driving license!” and “ where do you go, ape lop-eared!” – Lala  had curled down, pulled the purse, and raked out GOODs, evil  and quickly learn about everything.

  Girl  had been whining happily and softly   from opened purse’s prospects. Loud whining would be silliness, mom could hear and close those prospects. Like mother, and like woman she was person greedy  for cosmetics. Even impossible to understand why.  We already all last year have been  stopping to eat lipsticks. Sometimes, of course  if  some bats come in our belfry,  have an attack of riotous license, then say by-by to the lipstick tube.

  Lala  had neglected  any  mirror, worked on touch, guided only by creative intuition and by a little bit smarmy conception about size of own lips, eyes and cheeks.

  For the  decoration of lower part of face she applied technique of “wide brushstroke” . Her  painting style  had generic outline drawing, notional simplicity of symbols, bright sonority of individual  color patches.

  Light and transparent landscapes of the right cheek, dynamical everyday scene of the left, seem  to  carol emotional  beauty and  glee of life. Composition  breathed  poetically, a game of lineal rhymes, faint colors of a gypsy marriage. Thee wide black lines though the Lala’s forehead ( equals number of  manholes caught by Lucy)  had caroled eternal aspiring of soul to the exalted, to the light, to the Holy Ilja and Nickolas, or whoever formed there  Bourjois sets.

 The author decorated her eyes  with audacious challenge, spilled in one mix allusion of early Gaugin, grotesque of  Loutrec kitsch and basic principle of modernism “ there is not too much mascara”    

-         So strange a silence! – Nezabudkina became suddenly guarded  and decided to see to be sure. And on the back seat already sat all, what Lala thought about  French painting of last  century.
Being affected by the beauty  and power of  world impressionism, it had blossom there, where other kids usually have  heads, Nezabutkina  had done triple Ritberger. Exactly during streering.  The following drivers cheered her: “ Stump of idiot!”, “ Throw  out your driving license!” and “ where do you go, ape lop-eared!”

 Of course, Lala shouldn’t  show herself to mother in this condition. It was girl’s nonchalance. Mother is woman too, and envying. She should have run away  from the car to the people, to the cheers of progressive individuals, who are understanding of high style

   Nezabudkina decided that shouldn’t allow   this Boticcelli to skate. Everybody  will run away and it will be boring . Internally Lucy’s Moidodyr has  sworn to catch that art, pull it to the water and transform it back into a kid. But hot water wasn’t available at the ice rink. And waterproof mascara had laughed in the Lucy’s  internal Moidodyr face. But Moidodyr didn’t  give up, and figure skater Alika S soon appeared  in the ice rink with a face  which you will not  be able to imagine if you didn’t see early Monet. Well…  it is pond, water lilies and highlights on the water. Means, that exactly these highlights   were the main theme   of Lala’s image.

 And today Lala said:
-         When I’ll become adult, I want  to be a man.
And I  understand her perfectly.

воскресенье, 26 июня 2011 г.

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   Yardman Vitalik with the nickname “ Violet Fog”  always walks with  a snow shovel. He  is afraid of falling down without the shovel  and staying horizontal eternally. He never works sober, because  there exists a sort of falsity in sober yardmen. But he scrapes like Apollo.
   During most icy months, when some yamschic becomes a glacier in any snowdrift, Vitalk’s paths are  washed and dried by his special alcoholic stench. Random snowflakes  don’t even try  to mar his work and turn off to the neighbor’s snowdrifts. Ones who  don’t turn off are caught by Vitalik and killed by his  iron shovel. For reason of his such severe psychic condition our  with Lalas sled has  scuffed.
   The Chinese  factory of blue tubs  makes this sled by  binding rope to their tubs. It has proved a very useful item. You can treat sore legs there, store tomatoes and drag kids to kindergarten , if  snow falls or  the rain’s pools are not too deep.
     I spent 2 euro on this sled and don’t feel sorry at all. I tried it  out myself.  I had developed huge speed sliding from the bridge. I  wanted to  fly up like from a springboard, but was saved by one birch. It   ran out like a woman  to  meet the man,  who  flew lonely through  the sky in the blue sled. Our coupling was fleeting but bright.
  We go with Lala to the kindergadern  across the street,  near through bushes and  fence. Funny dog  of  spicies “mad  freak” runs out to meet us. It cries at me like we would be married. I show  first to it and Lala happily laughs.
    There are some more bushes after the dog, fence again, and  the end of all, we are entering to the  Vitalik’s eternally summer paths, and rub them by sled’s bottom.
  Next is very technical text, follow fingers. During winter holes  are rubbed  in sled’s bottom  and rake snow under the passenger’s bottom. And after  that  snow fall out from that holes back to the territory of paranoic yardman. It is like snow smuggling. On the clean path under the Lala’s weight raked snow is squeezed out .Two stripes of snow stay after Lala’s sled. White on black, very Martian by view. It seems like some alien  with outearth mind  has carried in armful of snow and shat outearth  message.
    I’d can buy hundred new sleds, but I sow with which face Vitalik rakes out this unearthly trace. He was invincible and handsome.  
-         All Martians can go back to their ass – was saying his shovel’s swings.
 Tomorrow I’m going to depict mysterious  snow circles and trace of landing strip of spaceship. And I’ll leave note:
“ Vitalik, stop to remove landing signs, our spaceships stuck  in  snow”