Yardman Vitalik with the nickname “ Violet Fog” always walks with a snow shovel. He is afraid of falling down without the shovel and staying horizontal eternally. He never works sober, because there exists a sort of falsity in sober yardmen. But he scrapes like Apollo.
During most icy months, when some yamschic becomes a glacier in any snowdrift, Vitalk’s paths are washed and dried by his special alcoholic stench. Random snowflakes don’t even try to mar his work and turn off to the neighbor’s snowdrifts. Ones who don’t turn off are caught by Vitalik and killed by his iron shovel. For reason of his such severe psychic condition our with Lalas sled has scuffed.
The Chinese factory of blue tubs makes this sled by binding rope to their tubs. It has proved a very useful item. You can treat sore legs there, store tomatoes and drag kids to kindergarten , if snow falls or the rain’s pools are not too deep.
I spent 2 euro on this sled and don’t feel sorry at all. I tried it out myself. I had developed huge speed sliding from the bridge. I wanted to fly up like from a springboard, but was saved by one birch. It ran out like a woman to meet the man, who flew lonely through the sky in the blue sled. Our coupling was fleeting but bright.
We go with Lala to the kindergadern across the street, near through bushes and fence. Funny dog of spicies “mad freak” runs out to meet us. It cries at me like we would be married. I show first to it and Lala happily laughs.
There are some more bushes after the dog, fence again, and the end of all, we are entering to the Vitalik’s eternally summer paths, and rub them by sled’s bottom.
Next is very technical text, follow fingers. During winter holes are rubbed in sled’s bottom and rake snow under the passenger’s bottom. And after that snow fall out from that holes back to the territory of paranoic yardman. It is like snow smuggling. On the clean path under the Lala’s weight raked snow is squeezed out .Two stripes of snow stay after Lala’s sled. White on black, very Martian by view. It seems like some alien with outearth mind has carried in armful of snow and shat outearth message.
I’d can buy hundred new sleds, but I sow with which face Vitalik rakes out this unearthly trace. He was invincible and handsome.
- All Martians can go back to their ass – was saying his shovel’s swings.
Tomorrow I’m going to depict mysterious snow circles and trace of landing strip of spaceship. And I’ll leave note:
“ Vitalik, stop to remove landing signs, our spaceships stuck in snow”